"He who refuses to connect with God, and puts himself in the way of temptation will surely fall. God is testing every youth. Many have excused their carelessness and irreverence because of the wrong example given them by more experienced professors. But this should not deter any from right doing. In the day of final accounts you will plead no such excuses as you plead now." Adventist Home (Pg. 59.4)
Today, we all live in a world where the world over-sexualizes our youth, televising shows on how to find your husband/wife and how to have a happy marriage. However, when you look closer this comes not even close to God's law!
So how can young people grasp concepts about this topic without being consumed by temptation? In addition, How can those trying to uproot themselves from the world's way of living finally break free?

If you're in the medical field or any realm of science, you're likely familiar with Dopamine. Dopamine is "a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a “reward center” and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more."(Cleveland Clinic) So when we eat that sugar cookie, we may reach for another one and another one (at least I do). The sugar gets one excited that reaching for another. becomes inevitable. This repetitive act can lead to addiction, which can lead to a life not so pleasing for that person. When you eat that sugar cookie 2, 5, or 15 times, the entire bag is left empty and what happens? You probably may have gained a few unneeded pounds, or a upset stomach may occur!
Have your parents ever told you "It only takes that one time"? The first time you take part in doing something that is against what is right, the more and more you'll most likely want to do it again. Just like a toddler taking a quick lick from their parents' sweet fruit popsicle, the eyes are enlarged and more of that sweet thing is wanted. The same is for those who, not knowing of the world of lust and lasciviousness, can fall privy to, and become its slave.
Eve did not have an upset stomach caused by 20 cookies, but she sure did when God came looking for her and Adam : "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat". Have you ever heard of the saying "Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me"? Eve made the first foolish choice when she heeded the Devils counterfeit of pleasantry that God had already given them when he created earth. She then physically took ANOTHER bite and made a second foolish choice. Thus, it shows how easily one is to continue down a path of sin after the first attempt.
That's why young people are urged by God to "flee" from fornication (1 Corinthians 6). But what is fornication? It's when two individuals, most likely driven by lust (not love as the world will try to tell you), are engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage. Dopamine kicks in, and they're entranced, their minds elsewhere. And remember, fornication isn't just about actions; it includes thoughts too. Watching sexually explicit content on platforms like Netflix and other pornographic sites can stir up excitement, making one feel as though they're participating in the act. And they actually are (Matthew 5:28)! That is why fleeing is crucial. Physically and mentally running from those thoughts or actions before they consume you is essential to avoid getting lost in temptation. But you're not running to just anywhere. God is whom you should be running to.

"In a recent online survey of about 13,000 Christians (table entitled "I look at things I should not look at"), both men and women responded to the statement, "I look at things I should not look at." The self-reported results are arresting. Fifty-three percent of women and 25% of men reported that they "never" or "rarely" look at things they should not look at. Thirty-eight percent of women and 48% of men said "sometimes." And about one in ten women and one in four men admitted they "often" do this. The research was conducted by a Ph.D., but one does not need a doctorate to know what's going on in these data. By our own admission, we have a problem controlling our eyes, especially us men"(Adventist Review). In today's world, Pornography, Prostitution, Strip Clubs, and Sexual Immorality portrayed on television shows and movies are at an all high. While men in the aforementioned graph seem to be more susceptible to those things, Women are not the exception here. A recent report in 2019 confirmed that 3 out of 10 women watch Pornography regularly. Over the years, women have now been much more susceptible to lusting after the opposite sex just as the men accounted for in the graph above.
So you may be asking: what can I do about this? How can I hinder myself from falling or hinder myself from falling back into that lifestyle again?
Acknowledge that this IS a sin. Don't play around in the devil's backyard.
Many times, some believe that "oh this is normal. Its hormones that are getting me here." or "I am not hurting anyone. This is healthy to do/look at". But you would be playing yourself with such debauchery. Let me make it plain. Having Sexual Relations with another to whom you are not married, watching any topic of pornography, kissing, and touching someone sexually in whom you have no business doing so is A SIN. Friends, I do not want to seem as though and am shoving a log down your throat, but we all, no matter if we are not now facing this, must come to understand this. Once this door has been opened at the wrong time, it will not be easy to close except through the blood of Jesus. By acknowledging that this is a sin, understanding how to combat it will be much easier.
Remind yourself that you can not hinder your fall.
Read What Paul Says in Romans 7.
The Ultimate Remedy: Seek a Deeper Relationship with God.
Friends, I trust that this has clarified some misconceptions surrounding the topic of Sexual Immorality. As a young person, I understand the pervasive influence of a world where unimaginable things are depicted in the streets and on our screens. It's easy to be misled into thinking the aforementioned portrayals are normal. However, when we turn to the Word of God, we realize this isn't the case. Let's anchor ourselves in faith, trusting in God's ability and will to heal those oppressed by sin.
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